Hobbies & Recreation

Dalhousie Running Club

Dalhousie Running Club

Dalhousie Running Club is a club aimed at uniting students through weekly 5K runs. Our mission is to create an environment where individuals of all running abilities can support one another and share their love for running! Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, our club is dedicated to promoting an inclusive atmosphere for all. At Dalhousie Running Club, we hope to build lasting connections within the Dalhousie community while simultaneously promoting physical well-being. We strive to make running an enjoyable and accessible experience for all runners, with an emphasis on not only the physical benefits but also the mental and social rewards that come from being part of a running community. Come join us as we hit the ground running together!

Dalhousie Board Gaming Society

Dalhousie Board Gaming Society

he DBGS congregates in their collective love for the growing hobby of tabletop gaming: featuring interests in such board games as Dominion, Settlers of Catan, Avalon, & many more. We bring together students to take a break from the strife of campus life and studying to relax and enjoy some light-hearted competition (or cooperation!) with their peers.

Dalhousie Melee Society (DMS)

Dalhousie Melee Society (DMS)

We are the Dalhousie Melee Society (DMS) and we host weekly Super Smash Bros. Melee video game tournaments on Dal campus! We are a group of gamers who emphasize inclusion and fun, while maintaining a healthy competitive environment. We have a very friendly community dedicated to helping new players learn the game, find events, and rallying help to organize and setup events. We also run events off campus including multiple monthly tournaments and general gatherings. So, if you're interested in playing some Melee, then come find us and play some MELEEEEEEEE!

Dalhousie/King's Crafting Society

Our goal is to create a safe space for students to craft and meet others who craft! We plan to organize crafting sessions, workshops, and field trips to craft stores/fairs. Whether you are a seasoned crafter or interested in starting a new hobby, we would love for you to join us and explore the world of crafts!

DAL Bhangra

Bhangra is a Punjabi folk dance style originating from Punjab, India that now we have brought to Dalhousie! This is the first time ever that Dalhousie has this society! We currently do performances as well as looking into doing more classes to teach more people this dance form. You don't have to be a Punjabi to join nor have any experience to be a part of Dal Bhangra. We are a tight knit society, almost like a family and have practices often. Just reach out to us via Instagram or through our email and we would love to have you part of our family!

Dal Knitting Club

Dal Knitting Club is a society where all levels of knitters get together to help the Halifax community by knitting items like hats, mittens, dishcloths and more for charities, homeless shelters, and other organizations seeking donations. It's a great opportunity to learn or improve a hobby while helping the Halifax community!

Dalhousie Beekeeping Society

Dalhousie Beekeeping Society

Hello! We are the Dalhousie Beekeeping Society! We are an exciting society that currently manages 6 beehives. Our society invites members, students, and staff to join us on hive inspections, where individuals are educated on the importance of pollinators and gain hands on experience with bees. The society holds various meetings and workshops throughout the year where individuals can learn from guest speakers about beekeeping practices, the importance of native pollinators, and of course about our own hives!

Dalhousie Get Involved Club (DGIC)

Dalhousie Get Involved Club (DGIC)

The Dalhousie Get Involved Club is committed to providing students with a much-needed break from their academic work and offering them the opportunity to engage with their peers and the wider community. Our events encompass a diverse range of interests and activities…

Dalhousie Taylor Swift Society

Dalhousie Taylor Swift Society

The DTSS aims to bring together Swifties from across Dalhousie to bond over a common interest which is the music Icon, Taylor Swift! We plan to bring the most enchanted Taylor Swift related events of your wildest dreams to the Dalhousie Campus. From Taylor Swift Trivia Nights to Taylor Swift Karaoke Nights there will be something for everyone.

Dalhousie Reading Society (DRS)

The Dal Reads society entails all members to read the same book for each month and attend the end-of-month meeting to discuss the book. Each monthly book centers around a different theme or genre. For instance, October’s theme is Thriller and Horror for Halloween. All the books are new releases, so no one must worry about having previously read them.

Dalhousie Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Team (DAT)

Autonomous underwater vehicles present a unique challenge which requires careful planning and extensive testing to successfully and reliably complete tasks underwater without human interference. This objective presents designers and engineers with a unique framework to operate in, and to design systems which are used to accomplish a common goal. Competitions are held which allow University students, and other non-professional AUV designers, to participate in a competitive environment which encourages planning, innovation, and success. The mission of the Dalhousie Autonomous Underwater Vehicle team is to research, design, build, test, and compete at various events while allowing students to learn in a technical and collaborative environment.

Kings & Dalhousie Bike Society

The Centre & its rentals are run by students, for students - we host rides and events and offer free bike loans to Dal & King's students as well as a shop for bike repairs. We believe that helping people feel comfortable and confident working on their bike can help them save money, feel empowered, and show how fun and rewarding doing your own repairs can be. Our well-equipped shop has affordable parts and is staffed by knowledge

Dalhousie Outdoors Society

Dalhousie Outdoors Society

The Dalhousie Outdoors Society (DOS) is a levied society aimed at increasing the accessibility of outdoor spaces to the Dalhousie community. DOS offers subsidized trips, grants to student groups and societies and a fully stocked gear library, free of charge.