Sports & Athletics

Dalhousie Arm Wrestling Club (DAWC)

Dalhousie Arm Wrestling Club (DAWC)

Our society unites individuals from diverse backgrounds in a common pursuit—arm wrestling, a timeless symbol of strength. Across centuries and continents, arm wrestling has proven to be more than just a sport; it's a global tradition. Our mission is to infuse fun and exercise into the daily lives of students, honing both strength and technique. Experienced members will mentor newcomers through casual bouts, eventually…

Dalhousie Squash Club

The Dalhousie Squash Club (DSC) is a great place to meet other squash enthusiasts and work on improving your game. Membership in the DSC is free and is open to anyone with access to the Dalplex. We run weekly drop-in nights, fun tournaments, the Dalhousie Open, social events, and coaching clinics. If you are new to the game, or and experienced squash player, there is something for everyone in Dalhousie Squash Club.

Dalhousie Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (Dalhousie FSAE)

Dalhousie Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (Dalhousie FSAE)

Dalhousie Formula SAE designs, builds, and races a small formula-style race
car, with a focus on developing students engineering skills and technologies. For the 2022-2023 season the team transitioned to an electric drivetrain. This allows student members to promote sustainable transportation and advance the future of mobility while actively gaining the necessary skills to easily integrate into the transitioning automotive industry upon graduation.

Dalhousie Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (Dalhousie FSAE)

Dalhousie Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (Dalhousie FSAE)

Dalhousie Formula SAE designs, builds, and races a small formula-style race
car, with a focus on developing students engineering skills and technologies. For the 2022-2023 season the team transitioned to an electric drivetrain. This allows student members to promote sustainable transportation and advance the future of mobility while actively gaining the necessary skills to easily integrate into the transitioning automotive industry upon graduation.

Dalhousie Roundnet Club

Dalhousie Roundnet Club

The Dalhousie Roundnet Club is a Tier-2 sports club that offers the play and practice of roundnet (Spikeball). The DRC promotes organized play for casual and competitive players of the sport outside of intramurals. Roundnet is becoming an evermore popular sport, the DRC recognizes this and provides an outlet to play and compete in tournaments!

DalDance Society

DalDance Society

DalDance offers high-quality recreational dance practices for dancers of every skill level! We offer a variety of styles of dance, including classical dance (tap, jazz, ballet, etc.) and some additional classes in street styles (hip-hop, heels, etc.). In the Fall term we focus on technique and fun combinations, and in the Winter term we offer a performance opportunity with our annual DalDance recital!

Dalhousie Kings Ultimate Frisbee Team (DKUT)

DKUT is a competitive ultimate frisbee club at Dalhousie that anyone can join and participate in. Previous ultimate frisbee experience is not required. We practice 2-3 times/week from September to April, represent Dalhousie/Kings at tournaments throughout the East Coast and the country, and have a great time doing it!

Dalhousie Men’s Lacrosse

Our society teaches the game of lacrosse and its rich Canadian history to the Dalhousie students while also competing in lacrosse games with multiple other universities across the maritime provinces. Student members participate and learn in practices and games throughout the fall months. Lacrosse is the national sport of Canada, and it is important that we acknowledge the sport that was created by the indigenous people.

Dalhousie Judo Club

Dalhousie Judo Club

Judo was derived from Ju Jutsu in the late 1800’s as a way to develop the youth of Japan. Not only is Judo a physical activity and a sport, but its principles of “mutual welfare and benefit” and “maximum efficiency” can be applied to one’s life outside of the dojo.

Dalhousie Synchronized Swimming Club

Dalhousie Synchronized Swimming Club

Dal Synchro is a Tier-2 Sports club that offers artistic swimming programs for any athlete currently registered in an accredited university-level degree in Halifax. Anyone with previous synchro experience can join our team! We strive to create a fun and supportive environment where students can continue their love for synchro through competition and recreation.

Black and Gold Dance Team

Black and Gold Dance Team

The Black and Gold Dance Team is a competitive dance team at Dalhousie University, who competes amongst other University teams around the Maritimes. Each September, auditions are held for full-time Dal students after which a group of experienced dancers are chosen to be a part of the team. We provide quality dance instruction, in the styles of Contemporary, Jazz, Hip-hop, Tap, Lyrical, and Acro, that is accessible and inexpensive for all. The Black and Gold Dance Team provides dancers with the opportunity to continue dancing, performing, and competing through University, in a fun and supportive environment.

Dalhousie Sports Business Society

Dalhousie Sports Business Society

Founded in 2016, the Dalhousie Sports Business Society is a non-profit DCS umbrella society that combines students' passion for athletic events and corporate affairs. Despite primarily operating out of out of Dalhousie's business school, DSBS provides students across all degrees and levels of study with equal opportunities to get involved.