Graduate Studies

Marine Affairs Student Society (MASS)

MASS is a society for graduate students within the Masters of Marine Management (MMM) program at Dalhousie. The society plans events and activities for the MMM cohort, and advocates on behalf of the students. To contact the MASS president please email

Dalhousie Graduate Nursing Society

The Dalhousie Graduate Nursing Society is a society that promotes leadership, mentorship, and community engagement. The society fosters a social environment and support system for graduate nursing students. The society is dedicated to health promotion and wellness for all and strives to promote the interest and participation of graduate nursing students in student governance and fellowship.

Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students in Psychology (DAGSiP)

Though the role of the society for some time has been organizing and assigning students to department committees and advocating to the faculty, we are hoping to expand the scope of DAGSiP. Specifically, our first goal is to promote more social connection between graduate students in the Psychology and Neuroscience department.

Dalhousie Biomedical Engineering Society (DBES)

Dalhousie Biomedical Engineering Society (DBES)

We aim to foster a sense of community for students in the Biomedical Engineering program.
Our society mainly organizes social events for our students and facilitates communication between between students and the faculty. This is all in an effort to foster a sense of community in our program. This is important because our students come from very diverse scientific backgrounds and work on a diverse set of research problems. But, we are also physically separated in buildings across the 3 Halifax campuses.

Marine Affairs Student Society (MASS)

Marine Affairs Student Society (MASS)

This society is for graduate students within the Masters in Marine Management (MMM) program. Each year MASS runs the Sustainable Ocean Conference, available at the social media and website addresses below. The Sustainable Ocean Conference 2023 title is Turning Tides, which will explore marine management that promotes the interdisciplinary, intersectional, and intergenerational nature of the ocean science field. This event is free and open to all students!

Health and Human Performance Graduate Student Society (HAHP GSS)

The HAHP GSS aims to use funding/resources to aid  graduate students within the department. The top priorities are ensuring  students have access to resources that keep well-being and morale high, 
while assisting them with any issues they have academically or  personally. 

The HAHP GSS exists to represent the voices of graduate students in the School of Health and Human Performance and to provide them with opportunities to optimize their graduate student experience. 

Biology Organization of Graduate Students (BOGS)

The main goal of the Dalhousie Biology Organization of Graduate Students (BOGS) is to support the interests of graduate students within the Biology Department at Dalhousie University. We do our best to represent student voices at departmental meetings (Committee of the Whole, COW), and to encourage departmental mingling. As a biology grad student, you are automatically a member of BOGS!