
Dalhousie EngiQueers

Dalhousie EngiQueers

We are an official member group operating as an extension of EngiQueers Canada, a national non-profit that represents the 2SLGTBQIA+ community in engineering & celebrates, promotes, and advocates for equity, diversity, and belonging in engineering. Our three pillars are 1. professional development (e.g., sending delegates to the annual national EngiQueers Canada conference), 2. education & advocacy (e.g., delivering EDIA training), and 3. social connection (e.g., hosting events on campus such as drag shows, community walks, art nights, and more). Dal EQ has a General Member Community that students and professionals are invited to join.

Dalhousie Global Brigades - Medical

Global Brigades (GB) is the world’s largest student-led international relief organization. GB’s mission is to provide communities in developing countries with sustainable solutions under a holistic service model to improve health, water, sanitation, and economic infrastructures.

Tau Lambda Xi Sorority

Tau Lambda Xi Sorority

Tau Lambda Xi Sorority is local to Halifax and was founded back in 2017. We recruit female identifying individuals from Dalhousie, and other universities surrounding the HRM! Since then our organization has hosted various events throughout each academic year that offer social, leadership, and philanthropic oppertunities to our members.

Dalhousie Lion’s Club

Dalhousie Lion’s Club

The Dalhousie Lion’s Club serves to meet the needs of our local Dalhousie and Halifax community because we share a core belief - to serve our community. Some events that we have organized in the past include volunteering at the local soup kitchen, preparing a home cooked meal for the local homeless shelter, care packages for first year undergrads as well as a clothing drive!

Greater Love Dalhousie

With the help of the student body, we at Greater Love Dal participate in weekly outreaches with the purpose of offering food and listening to the stories of those on the streets of Halifax. We emphasize building strong friendships and showing those who are experiencing homelessness that they are loved and cared for.

Dal Knitting Club

Dal Knitting Club is a society where all levels of knitters get together to help the Halifax community by knitting items like hats, mittens, dishcloths and more for charities, homeless shelters, and other organizations seeking donations. It's a great opportunity to learn or improve a hobby while helping the Halifax community!

Dalhousie Blood Society (DalBlood)

Dalhousie Blood Society (DalBlood)

We are a group of students interested in advocating for and promoting blood donation in the Dalhousie community. We strive to inform students about the important roles blood and tissue donors play in Canada's healthcare system, and encourage anyone who is eligible to join Canada's Lifeline. DalBlood works closely with Canadian Blood Services (CBS) to organize on-campus blood donation clinics, where many of our society members volunteer to support CBS staff.

Dalhousie University Sudanese Society

Dalhousie University Sudanese Society

The main mission of this society is to make every Sudanese student in and coming to Dalhousie that they are well represented, and their voice is heard. Especially with the ongoing war we have right now, the formation of this society will connect and resonate with so many Sudanese students that come from the homeland.

Dalhousie Students Supporting Sick Children (DSSSC)

We are a fundraising society in support of the IWK, a local children’s hospital in Halifax. We hold biweekly meetings and put on fun and exciting events such as, bake sales, board game nights, trivia nights, silent auctions, toy drives, etc. We are welcoming new members to volunteer at events and introduce any new event ideas.

Dalhousie Golden Key Honour Society

Dalhousie Golden Key Honour Society

The Dalhousie Golden Key Honour Society is an international honour society that aims to garner students' achievements in academics, leadership, and service. The Golden Key Honour Society at Dalhousie University is a student-led society that participates in events with the university community and the Halifax Municipal Region. Become a part of the Dalhousie Golden Key Honour Society to exchange your unique ideas with an inclusive global community where innovation and advancement happen through international collaboration.

Dalhousie Students for Ethical Fashion (DSEF)

Dalhousie Students for Ethical Fashion (DSEF)

DSEF is a society at Dalhousie University. Our main goal is to raise awareness about ethical fashion and the harms of fast fashion. We provide support to local ethical businesses within the Greater Halifax region while also donating professional and stylish clothing to local shelters.

Mfuwe Epilepsy Society

The Mfuwe Epilepsy Society (MES) is dedicated to supporting the Mfuwe Epilepsy Foundation's mission of addressing the prevalent issue of epilepsy and combating the associated stigma in the rural region of Mufwe, Zambia. To achieve this goal, MES plans to organize fundraisers throughout the year, generating funds to support diverse initiatives of the Mfuwe Epilepsy Foundation. These initiatives are aimed at improving healthcare equity, ensuring access to healthcare services, and conducting healthcare research related to epilepsy in the region.

Dalhousie Management Society

Dalhousie Management Society

The Dalhousie Management Society is a club for students by students in the Bachelor of Management program. This society strives to enrich the student experience beyond the classroom. Our initiatives offer unique events to support and enhance both personal and professional development.

Dalhousie UNICEF Club

Dalhousie UNICEF Club

The UNICEF Society is dedicated to furthering the objectives of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), which involves assisting children in developing nations and fostering awareness regarding their rights and issues. To accomplish this, we engage with local Members of Parliament and media outlets to advocate for children's welfare and foster awareness within our university community…

Dalhousie Engineering Global Brigades Chapter

Dalhousie Engineering Global Brigades Chapter

We are Dalhousie's chapter for Global Engineering Brigades! Our society is partnered with Global Brigades (GB) which is an organization whose mission is to create sustainable health systems for communities in need (for us, communities in Honduras).