Health & Wellness

Dalhousie Running Club

Dalhousie Running Club

Dalhousie Running Club is a club aimed at uniting students through weekly 5K runs. Our mission is to create an environment where individuals of all running abilities can support one another and share their love for running! Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, our club is dedicated to promoting an inclusive atmosphere for all. At Dalhousie Running Club, we hope to build lasting connections within the Dalhousie community while simultaneously promoting physical well-being. We strive to make running an enjoyable and accessible experience for all runners, with an emphasis on not only the physical benefits but also the mental and social rewards that come from being part of a running community. Come join us as we hit the ground running together!

Dalhousie Exchange Society

Dalhousie Exchange Society

The Dalhousie Exchange Society is focused on making the whole “exchange” experience as fun and easy as possible. We strive to help all students get the most of their experience either leaving Dal, or coming to Dal. Students are invited to participate in events, and are encouraged to make Dal a more warm and welcoming place.

Dalhousie/King's Crafting Society

Our goal is to create a safe space for students to craft and meet others who craft! We plan to organize crafting sessions, workshops, and field trips to craft stores/fairs. Whether you are a seasoned crafter or interested in starting a new hobby, we would love for you to join us and explore the world of crafts!

Ninety Percent Society

Ninety Percent Society

Ninety Percent Society is a group of undergraduate Dalhousie University students who feel passionate about mental health and social justice. The society includes students in a variety of programs and years of study. The lived experience, compassionate attitude, and collaborative skills of this diverse group allows for informed, progressive advancements in the sector of eating disorder treatment.

Dalhousie Graduate Nursing Society

The Dalhousie Graduate Nursing Society is a society that promotes leadership, mentorship, and community engagement. The society fosters a social environment and support system for graduate nursing students. The society is dedicated to health promotion and wellness for all and strives to promote the interest and participation of graduate nursing students in student governance and fellowship.

Dalhousie Roundnet Club

Dalhousie Roundnet Club

The Dalhousie Roundnet Club is a Tier-2 sports club that offers the play and practice of roundnet (Spikeball). The DRC promotes organized play for casual and competitive players of the sport outside of intramurals. Roundnet is becoming an evermore popular sport, the DRC recognizes this and provides an outlet to play and compete in tournaments!

DalDance Society

DalDance Society

DalDance offers high-quality recreational dance practices for dancers of every skill level! We offer a variety of styles of dance, including classical dance (tap, jazz, ballet, etc.) and some additional classes in street styles (hip-hop, heels, etc.). In the Fall term we focus on technique and fun combinations, and in the Winter term we offer a performance opportunity with our annual DalDance recital!

Greater Love Dalhousie

With the help of the student body, we at Greater Love Dal participate in weekly outreaches with the purpose of offering food and listening to the stories of those on the streets of Halifax. We emphasize building strong friendships and showing those who are experiencing homelessness that they are loved and cared for.

Dalhousie Blood Society (DalBlood)

Dalhousie Blood Society (DalBlood)

We are a group of students interested in advocating for and promoting blood donation in the Dalhousie community. We strive to inform students about the important roles blood and tissue donors play in Canada's healthcare system, and encourage anyone who is eligible to join Canada's Lifeline. DalBlood works closely with Canadian Blood Services (CBS) to organize on-campus blood donation clinics, where many of our society members volunteer to support CBS staff.

Dalhousie Students Supporting Sick Children (DSSSC)

We are a fundraising society in support of the IWK, a local children’s hospital in Halifax. We hold biweekly meetings and put on fun and exciting events such as, bake sales, board game nights, trivia nights, silent auctions, toy drives, etc. We are welcoming new members to volunteer at events and introduce any new event ideas.

Loaded Ladle

Loaded Ladle

The Loaded Ladle serves free, locally produced meals! Anyone and everyone is welcome to volunteer with us or eat our delicious food. Loaded Ladle is a non-profit, student funded, open cooperative of students and community members dedicated to providing affordable, diverse, fresh, and healthy food to as many people as possible. Loaded Ladle aims to tackle the unjust global food system by providing a local alternative.