Wellness At Dalhousie

What does wellness mean to you?

Often, people think of wellness as a state of health rather than mental and physical well-being. We want to show that wellness is a journey rather than an end result. There are various methods and activities that foster well being and it is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. For example, meditation is not only in the form of stillness and silence but can also be done through walking, yoga, reading, etc. Although, when we use the word ‘meditate’ people often only think of remaining silently in place for an extended period of time. As students ourselves, we know how hectic life can get and are hoping to show various wellness routines to help encourage students to incorporate them into their personal lives.

This club will allow students to hold each other accountable in their journey and particular habits as well as hold weekly meetings to discuss progress and show each other support! Even for those who have yet to start their own wellness journey, they can still feel free to come and learn more about the possible paths they can take.

Contact Us:

Primary: lr428773@dal.ca


instagram @dalwellness