Dalhousie EngiQueers

We are an official member group operating as an extension of EngiQueers Canada, a national non-profit that represents the 2SLGTBQIA+ community in engineering & celebrates, promotes, and advocates for equity, diversity, and belonging in engineering. Our three pillars are 1. professional development (e.g., sending delegates to the annual national EngiQueers Canada conference), 2. education & advocacy (e.g., delivering EDIA training), and 3. social connection (e.g., hosting events on campus such as drag shows, community walks, art nights, and more). Dal EQ has a General Member Community that students and professionals are invited to join.

Contact Us:

Primary: engq@dal.ca

Instagram - instagram.com/dalhousie.eq
Join our General Member Community - https://forms.office.com/r/JEjamQjnRD